Readings from the speaker
Two key readings: Fratkin (2001) is an overview of transitions in pastoralist coupled human-environment systems in East Africa. Santos & Barrett (2006) is a 3-page research synthesis of resaerch on risk management & poverty traps in Boran pastoralists.
KEY READING: East African Pastoralism In Transition
- Fratkin, E. 2001. East African pastoralism in transition: Maasai, Boran, and Rendille cases. African Studies Review 44 (3): 1-25.
KEY READING: Santos & Barrett: Poverty traps & safety nets
- 3-page research synthesis with very interesting findings regarding the question of "Resilience for Whom?"
Option: Resilience in Response to Natural Disasters
- Gunderson, L. 2010. Ecological and human community resilience in response to natural disasters. Ecology and Society 15(2): 18. [online] URL:
Refresher: Accounting for the Noncomputable
- This was already posted as reading for Session 4 on CHES. It's highly relevant to this week's presentation as well. Carpenter et al. 2009. Resilience: Accounting for the noncomputable. Ecology & Society 14 (1): 13